Friday, October 24, 2008

Who Are You?

I met someone the other day who was truly, without a doubt, the most arrogant, pompous and condescending jack$&^ I have ever met. He was abrasive, rude, and no, he wasn't "from around here". I was particularly amazed because he has recently been "put in charge" of several offices around the country, one of which is here. As he proclaimed his extensive management experiences, countless accomplishments and many skills, I couldn't help but sit there and write notes like "who is this guy?, when is he EVER going to stop bragging about himself? and aren't you breaking every rule of leadership, management, communication, working with people, and simple manners by talking about yourself for 45 minutes????" I'm sure my eyes were the size of saucers as he talked about his success as a recruiter! "How is that possible?" I asked myself, followed by "good luck with that here!".

It actually went from bad to worse when we moved to a more "intimate" setting at a local coffee shop, with just a few of us, so that we could ask questions. Astoundingly, each question was met with profound defensiveness. At several points along the way, his response was (to these folks who are now "working under him" and who have just met him for the first time!) "if you don't like it, you don't have to stay".

He actually said at one point that he was "more experienced, and had "accomplished more" than the owner of the company he works for! (I swear he did! I wouldn't have believed it either if I hadn't been there!)

At that point, I was REALLY thinking "good luck with that attitude here!"
The most amazing part is, I had a conversation with his boss yesterday who insists that he is nothing like that. He swears that he is kind and cares about his people and is "all about" helping them. He has achieved amazing results and "couldn't possibly have done that if he acted that way".

Hmmm...while I would certainly agree with that last statement, it left me completely and totally baffled. How could someone possibly be THAT different in one state vs. another? Power? Did he forget to take some kind of medication? How is that possible???

Honestly, I felt like the woman who knows her husband is cheating on her, but he is so adamant that he isn't, she starts to wonder if she's crazy! Fortunately however, there were plenty of witnesses!

So, how can someone be THAT different? Can they really, or is one just the "REAL" them, and the other the one that they want people to think they are? Is it just that they want certain people to see them a certain way? If so, how do you know who the "REAL" person is?
Does it matter? Or does it only matter who the person is that presented themselves to you?
After all, does it really matter if they are a superhero somewhere else, but are intent on being a superjackass where you are?

Hmm...I would have to say that it only matters to you, who they portray themselves to be to you!

In any case, this video came to me today, and I found it quite timely! Check it out, and let me know what YOU think!

Who are you?
(By Gary Davis)


Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing, Heather.

Loved the message in the video which stopped to make me think "who do people say I am?" Don't we all want to be liked, respected, maybe even admired by a few? Are our day to day actions in line with that desire?

Heard another good quote this week: "You are responsible for the energy you bring to others." (okay, i dvr'd Oprah.) I had to say that one a few times for it to sink it. Am I the person that brings drama to others? Negativity? Or am I one to bring compassion, motivation and perhaps even a laugh or two?

I want the second, of course, and I realize at times I get bogged down w/ day to day stresses and lose focus on this. Sometimes I just unnecessarily dump all my problems/worries on others. Ick.

This week I'm reminded that I'm responsible not only for "who I am" but more importantly, "who people say I am" and what energy I'm bringing to them. Thanks for forwarding the food for thought!

Heather O said...

Thanks Carolyn! Although I just realized I did that whole dumping thing to you this week! oops!:( Sorry about that!

Great point though:)
John Maxwell says the same thing basically. He says "people are like elevators. some bring you up, others take you down!"

Apex Good Living